The song that comes next...

A couple weeks ago I was driving around with my eight year old and my twelve year old nephew.

"Hey Woman, Why don't you drive us around somewhere."

While we were driving something...disturbing...happened.

We were in the middle of nowhere and I was slightly lost.

Of course you're not surprised by that. It is me after all. 

So, I stopped at a gas station to run in and ask for directions.

Now, I left the boys in the car because they are eight and twelve and I could see them.

Oh, quit worrying about it - they were fine.

Sort of.

Now my iPod had been happily playing through my car stereo when I left and I hadn't thought anything about it.

I had turned on the Creedence Clearwater Revival song 'Looking Out My Back Door' earlier and just let it play.

Er...Have you listened to those lyrics? Crazy talk. 

I had kind of forgotten my iPod was even playing.

After I got the directions I walked back out of the station and glanced in the back seat and noticed something strange.

It was the looks on the boys faces...

These boys...their faces were practically glowing.

The look was one part Christmas morning, one part stolen candy, and one part impromptu trip to the amusement park.

Something was up.

Their eyes were wide and gleeful.

This can't be good...

While driving 'Looking Out Your Back Door' had turned into:

 'Loose Change' by Andrew Peterson and that had turned into:

'The Lord is a Warrior' by Caedmon's Call and that's when I walked into the store.

'The Lord is a Warrior' then turned into...

What comes next on my iPod?


"Lose Yourself" by Eminem


I opened the door and my nephew said in a voice full of awe "What is this music?"

My son said "Mom, you've never played this for me before!"

The twelve year old continued "Do you think my Dad has this because it's awesome!'

Clearly, they had never heard anything like it.


In my defense it was the clean version.

Unfortunately even the clean version isn't that clean.

The music was clearly more than their adolescent minds could handle.

The sheer masculine awesomeness of Marshall Mathers was blowing their minds.

Come on! No one can resist that hook on Lose Yourself!

Well, maybe grown ups could resist it...

Here's what I don't need:

The 12 year old going home to his parents and telling them "Hey! Guess what I got to listen to today!"

Foiled by my lack of a kid appropriate playlist!

I'm not the only one with Lose Yourself on their playlist, though. 

Tom Brady has it on his for goodness sake. 

And I promise I read somewhere that one of the presidential candidates had it on their 'music to run to' playlist during the last election. 

I'm sorry boys but it's probably going to be a long time before you get to listen to that again. 

"We're over it. Let's jam."
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. that looks like the playlist of a hobbit.

  2. Let's just let the audience know that 'Anonymous' favorite song used to be "Just a Swingin" by John Anderson.

  3. I love your eclectic playlist. Anyone who has both "Longneck Bottle" and "The lord is a Warrior" on the same list is a person of serious musical breadth. Props to Paula. Some years ago I drove into the driveway with "Kill You" blasting on my stereo. When I came out of hte driveay the 21 and 22 year old boys next door came up to me and said "Was that....Eminem?" When I said that it was my neighborhood coolness quotient rose 75 points (to total 80)!

    1. I'm sure he would be happy to be responsible for raising our cool quotient!

  4. And BTW I have Clarence Carter's "Strokin'" on my workout playlist now! :)

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