Dirt Cheap, The Remix

In the past I've blogged about my various and sundry thrift store finds.


Combination twinkie and corn dog makers and the like. 

So much great stuff in betwixt so much...er...other stuff. 

Lets do a little Part Two shall we?

So, among the damaged, overstocked and old things that Dirt Cheap sells comes another class of things:

The things at Dirt Cheap that are actually, um...


Like this:

Clearly, this hat has been through a lot already. 

I spent several minutes trying to think of why there would be twenty 'I Love Troy' hats in the hat bin. 

And then I realized it must be some sort of High School Musical reference. 

Wasn't that kid named Troy?

And why was I doing so much shopping at Dirt Cheap?

It's because we were shopping for...

*Drum Roll Please*

Kanakuk Family Camp!

Yep, we took the plunge and went to Branson, Missouri to Family Camp. 

Right now I'm actually sitting in the one place in camp that has wireless. 

I kinda look like the parent that is a total dead beat and is working instead of spending time with their family. 


Ooh! Ooh!

Maybe people will think that I'm super important and have a job!

Maybe they'll think I wear heels to work and have a brief case!

I kinda hope they do...

Because if they knew I was actually blogging it would be pretty embarrassing.

I mean, not as embarrassing as wearing an "I Love Troy" trucker hat but maybe close to it. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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