
He was always that way. 

My Mom tells this story:

He was sitting in the living room when my Mom announced some friends were unexpectedly coming over. He got up and left the room. A few minutes later he comes back - dressed in a suit.

The kicker: He was six.

It was probably a suit like this:

He is the one on the right. 

He had a Peanut's "Joe Cool" pin collection when he was growing up. 

Which, for some reason, just showed off his coolness. 

Here he is now:




I've recently found something that might do permanent damage to his reputation as being cool.

I can't believe I never knew about. 

How could he have hidden it all these years?

Are you ready, reader?

It's this:

A stamp collection.


I never knew.

Maybe he was just using the Snoopy pin collection as a front for his true love:


Does this mean he isn't as cool as I thought he was?


Does it mean stamps are cooler than I thought they were?


And I thought I knew him.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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