So we went on a bike ride this afternoon in Providence.
It was all kinds of beautiful here today.
We used to bike all the time in college.
That reminds me of a funny story:
So I was sitting in class Fall quarter of my Freshman year in college when a guy asked me what kind of bike I had.
I told him I had a "Teva."
He kind of looked at me funny and said "Teva? Isn't that a brand of shoe"
So of course at this point I realize that yes, Teva is a shoe and my bike is in fact a Trek.
But because I was being completely asinine and the guy was cute and I was nervous I said "Yeah...Teva made a brand of bike. Kinda like an Eddie Bauer Ford Explorer."
I mean, I just lied!
Lied like a dog!
I guess I just didn't want to seem stupid but he never talked to me again so I'm pretty sure he was on to me.
Thank goodness he didn't talk to me again.
Because how cute is this guy?'s his serious face.
Here is my bike: The Teva.
Er...the Trek.
So...saw some cool naturey things on the ride.
And yes, I know naturey is not technically a word.
Cool naturey things like:
Big Ole Thorns
I think these are called Trilliums.
My Grandmom has picture albums with these labeled in them.
So the cute thing about my Grandmom is...
Well, look at her!
She is adorable.
Those cheeks! Those hands!
But what else about her that is adorable is that she knows all the country names for plants.
It's not a 'strawberry bush' its a 'hearts a bursting' bush.
And its not a such and such tree (sorry, can't remember) its a 'toothbrush tree'
She's a country girl.
So back to the nature we saw:
A hollowed out tree that a character from Kenneth Grahame's Wind in the Willows could live in.
Its one of my very favorite children's books.
When the kids are having trouble sleeping it puts them right out.
Little white flowers.
Scientific name: Littlus Whitus Flowerus
Pretty purple flowers
Scientific name: Weeds.
Lots of these big bushes with these red flowers on them
I'm not sure what these are but I liked them.
They made the stagnant back water look pretty.
As I was pondering how lovely everything looked this happened:
I stepped in a big, fat, and gooey mess of mud.
When I tried to get out of it... know what comes next.
I fell.
We also came upon this little park, the Jack Lynch Park:
It says:
A special man who always made time to play with his grandchildren.
It had this statue of kids in it.
It was a good tribute to the man - whoever he was
So, dear readers, what have we learned today?
1) This is a Trek:
2) This is a Teva:
3) Always lie to the guy in your English class or you might miss out on this:
so, i went to college with you and never once saw you riding a bicycle... i think you just lied again!
Well "all the time" might be a stretch....