I'll never understand the use of the word riot.
You here people say:
"It was a riot!"
and what they mean is that something was really funny.
But real riots aren't funny at all.
I've only been in one riot.
It was in Naples, Italy.
In order to get to the most magical place in the world you have to go to Naples first.
No, not Disney World.
I've been to Naples twice.
Both times it was...
Well, it was just bad.
The first time we were involved in a dang riot and the second time Billy and I had pretty much the worst case of the silent treatment/non fight that was really a fight of our married lives.
It was just bad.
BAD, I tell you!
Let's not talk about it.
So back to the riot.
When we were there the local sanitation workers were striking.
The striking had turned ugly.
Ugly and smelly.
The strikers were overturning garbage bins and throwing garbage into the street.
Just another typical day in southern Italy.
So we pull into town on our tour bus and the rioters surrounded us.
They shook the bus and sent someone on board to tell us not to take pictures.
It was too late:
"Yeah! Riots are fun."
These guys do look like they are having fun.
Maybe riots are fun.
So here are some other things that have nothing to do with riots but are fun:
Thing, the first:
Vacuum cleaners on cruise ships that are named Henry.
Number two:
This picture of my brother holding toilet paper at Christmas.
Can anyone please explain this picture?
Number three:
Old peoples names.
My Grandmom lives in an apartment complex for the elderly and they have a list of birthdays posted in the elevator.
Those names are a riot.
Pearl, Lola, Betty, Bettye, Doris, Nancy.
And how about Norma Lee that has her name on the outside of the door?
I like it.
And I think I'd like her.
She sounds saucy!
Number four:
My own delusions.
This is what my Avatar online looks like:
Just like me right?
This is what my Avatar online should realistically look like:
It's a good thing we get to choose our own Avatars or I'd be bummed out.
In fact I'd be so bummed that I'd riot!
And it wouldn't be funny.
I personally think you are waaaay more avatar #1 =D