Just admit it...

Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga-Glamour shots!

Oh, just admit it. 

You had Glamour Shots done too. 


They had the little store set up in the mall where you would go and 'get glamoured up.'

I believe it was immortalized in the movie "Napoleon Dynamite."

Whitch, by the way, was not a funny movie.

Even though yes, Tina Majorino is awesome.

So...glamour shots!

Jean jacket wearers of the world unite!

Seriously, what are my hands doing in this picture?

What, if I don't hold them there the jacket floats away due to its sheer awesomeness?

Caution: Due to high volume of hair spray hair will explode into flames if exposed to high temperatures.

"Hi. I enjoy dressing like a banana."


Those earrings they put on me were 'bedazzlerific!'

And that shirt was very yellow. 

And maybe by 1991 I deserved a glamour shot.

Yes, me and eighties fashions...

We didn't always mix well.

For example:

I think I had been watching way too much Cosby show here because that's a lot of sweater. 

And a lot of jean skirt.

And a lot of crimped hair.

And those sunglasses?

They said "Coca-Cola" on them.

I wore them out that summer!

Until they ultimately took a sad trip to a watery grave in the lake. 

My parents had bought them in Tokyo.

Apparently, Tokyo was going through a Coke phase.


I don't know.

I really don't.

I mean, yes, I'm wearing my cousin Mary Etta's add a bead necklace she let me borrow for the picture.

And I'm wearing a tie.

A tie!


Heck, yeah I went to Panama City and got an airbrushed tee!

And Robbie was wearing Jams.

I mean...

So really, considering the alternatives....

There was nothing wrong with the Glamour Shots.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I definitely laughed out loud with you. Yes, I admit I have glamour shots and other equally ridiculous pictures in my scrapbooks. Glad you shared yours. That laugh was good for my soul.

  2. hilarious!!! my sis and i did some together for our mom for mother's day one year (what every mom wants, i'm sure!). those pics are hilarious! looks like we were trying to pose for a cover of a music album or something! paula, you are so funny. i always knew you'd be great at writing! this is so fun to read your blog!!!

  3. Man, 80s fashion wasn't kind to ANYONE.

  4. The only thing I legitimately liked from the 80's were leg warmers and plastic charm bracelets. And even they were sketchy.

  5. AGH! This made me remember something that I had totally blocked out - I DID GLAMOUR SHOTS TOO! I did the same poses as you but they had me in a SHIMMERY GREEN jacket with a popped up collar and, gulp, a Navy hat i.e. the branch of the military not the color! Oh, the shame of it all. I think they are hidden in the bottom of some picture box at my parents house. Maybe I could be brave like you and post them but I doubt it.

  6. Ooohhh, Emily....the collar pop! That was a truly bad 80's fashion.

  7. hilarious!!! so, i was always so mad in the 90s because my mom wouldn't let me go get a glamour shot. i'm now rejoicing because she just saved me a lot of humiliation years later. thanks mom ;)

    by the way, the cosby sweater and stonewashed skirt were stellar.


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