Things I Should Be Yelled at For...

So lets make a little list shall we?

I think I'll call the list:

"Things I Should Be Yelled at For:"

Lets start by talking about my Aunt Charlotte:

That's her on the back of the boat. 

She and my Uncle Tom...

Wait! Rabbit Trail!

So my Uncle Tom...

Number one my boys LOVE him. 

Number two when I was a little girl he used to tell my generation of cousins that his Smallpox vaccine was a war wound he received while fighting in Korea. 

Because we were uneducated morons we believed him. 

"Did you hear Uncle Tom got shot in the Korean War?"

"I can't believe those little goobers believed I was old enough to fight in the Korean War."

I mean I was probably 14 when I finally realized he didn't really fight in Korea. 

That's just embarrassing. 


So my Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Tom have two kids:

Rachel and son-in-law Rob:

and Thomas and daughter-in-law Jessica. 

Here's Thomas:

Bringing in the roast beast at Christmas. 

And here is Jessica:

Playing with Stella and her dog Dobby. 

I'm sorry I don't have a picture of them together. 

I was going to get one at Christmas this year but somebody decided to be troublesome and made me have to skip the whole celebration:

Oh, don't feel sorry for her. 

She was fine. 

So Thomas and Jessica just got married in December. 

And this is where we get to the part about needing to get yelled at. 

See the wedding took place on the night of the SEC Championship game. 

There are no photos to prove it but I might have taken my phone with me.

And even though its unprovable I might have hidden it in the program and checked ESPN.COM a couple times.

If that did happen it wasn't just me. 

Let me throw some others under the bus:

It's my brother Robbie - checking his phone. 

And a couple people down someone else was checking their phone. 

Ya know where my brother Joey was?

That would be AT THE GAME. 

He skipped the whole wedding!

Talk about needing to get yelled at!

Thomas was no help at all.

 He made it quite clear that if he had been in our shoes he'd have done the same thing. 

By the way Jessica is absolutely adorable. 

She had to go out of town a few weeks ago and Thomas was like a lost puppy without her. 

It was super cute and made me and Billy say things like "Awwww...remember when we liked each other?"

Here she is again:


So you know who wasn't checking their Iphone?

This stinkin' baby:


She was happily reviewing the program.


I should be yelled at for these shenanigans. 

The second thing I should be yelled at for is not buying this tonight at Target:

I'm 100% sure he wanted to come home with me. 

And he was awesome.

The third thing I should be yelled at for is dressing my children like this for Easter one year:

What was I thinking?

That is awful. 

They look like they should be singing karaoke in a bar. 

On to the fourth thing I should be yelled at for.

Having my dirty feet so close to my newborn's head. 

I'm not sure if you can see this in the picture but my toes were really dirty. 

I'm sorry Stella but I'm the only Mama you've got. 

At least you didn't have to wear a Madras plaid jacket for Easter. 

Don't yell at me. 

And I'm sorry I was a total turncoat on my brother's tonight. 

I'm probably going to get yelled at about it. 

That's as it should be. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. LOL at your feet by Stella's head. Missed you today.

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