Notes on notes...

So in the earliest days of our dating life Billy and I lived in apartment complexes in Auburn that were right beside each other. 

Because of that we got in to the rhythm of leaving each other an excessive amount of notes.

Awww....we were so cute. 

He always had class earlier than I did. 

Him being the responsible one and all that stuff. 

So it was always nice to step out my front door and see a little white piece of notebook paper waiting for me. 

Here are a few samples:

A note making sure I knew that the guy I sat next to in Economics was 'bad' and that he was 'good.'

A note with a list of movies we respectively wanted the other to see:

In case you can't read it his list included: The Jerk, Rambo, Wall Street and Field of Dreams. 

My list included Gone with the Wind, Emma, The Little Mermaid, Lonesome Dove, and Silverado. 


Neither of were winning any intellectual prizes with the caliber of movies on those lists. 

A note with a hopeful status update on the bonsai tree he had in his apartment:

Don't feel reassured. 

It died. 

I like that I had made him breakfast that morning. 

I should probably do that now. 

A note from the morning before our first date that detailed our hopes that there wouldn't be any awkward silences on the date:

A note telling me that he was glad I went to Auburn:

A note detailing the bad experience he had with a renegade stick of gum:

Notes are good. 

We should still write them.

Now...go ye thereforth and write a note. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I have a box of notes and cards that we should go through and review. They are becoming fewer and fewer as the milestones and anniversaries come and go and we are too busy to celebrate. There might have even been a trend in there to get the same type of card 2-4 times each in the beginning too- way too expensive now. My notes to him are now reduced to scraps of paper that I didn't want to throw away without recycling and only have enough room for "I love you"

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