I like the fourth of July.
It may be my favorite holiday.
Ice Cream and fireworks.
And puppies!
Technically the fourth of July has nothing to do with puppies but I love this picture of my niece.
In our family Independence Day definitely involves cousins:
Goof off all day together:
Party all night together:
And what about the sparklers?!
I love sparklers:
Really whats not to like about the fourth of July?
One year we were in England on Independence Day and I gotta say it was a little awkward.
Sorry about the whole revolution thing and all that.
They were good sports about it.
Another great thing about the holiday is there isn't any pesky gift buying!
Last fourth of July we went to the lake and then drove to Smith Lake Park to watch the fireworks in the Jeep.
The minions love that Jeep.
We parked along side the road and waited.
The boys quickly climbed on top:
and proceeded to accidentally kick us for the next half hour.
I decided I wanted to get one good picture of the boys.
Just one.
That was all I was asking for:
"No pictures please."
Attempt one:
What is that quirky look on the oldest boy's face???
Attempt the second:
Middle child not looking...
Attempt number three:
Those are some big tonsils on my oldest boy.
"Just give up, woman."
Sometimes fireworks are really loud.
When that occurs this also occurs:
"I'll just sit here with Daddy for awhile."
It's okay, minion.
In Daddy's arms is a good place to be.
so sweet! love this post! hilarious about being in england and them being "good sports" about the whole thing ; ) paula, you crack me up!!!