Showing posts from January, 2012

Quixotic Angst...

High School Basketball.  Oh, how I love it. One of my dreams is to one day be a coach. Or maybe just t…

The Answering Machine...

I abhor our answering machine.  It's laziness really.  Messages can only mean a few things: Nu…

One Too Many Paintings...

I was looking through my scrapbook... ...oh, who am I kidding, there is no scrapbook - just a jumble of …

Oh...How Humorous...

It's no secret that I have a major case of baby fever. I've blogged about it: Here and …

Yoghurt Mountain

Yoghurt. What a ridiculous word. Say it out loud. Doesn't it sound like Yog hurt? Doesn'…


Whew! I'm barely making it tonight.  Just an hour and a half later and I would have missed a day…

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