Wrong List


Spring Break saw us sprinting off to the Dominican Republic for some much needed warmer weather,  rest, and relaxation. Yes, yes, I can hear you people that live up north laughing at me for bemoaning our cold weather here in Alabama. Look, thirty is cold. It’s cold and we never get snow so there is no reward for the cold. It’s all very sad down here in the winter.

Here’s what happens when you fly to the DR with a big family:

“Oh, y’all are all going to the Dominican Republic? Are y’all going on a mission trip?”

Wow! You have a lot of people with you! You must be going on mission.”

“Y’all aren’t wearing matching t-shirts but I bet your headed to do relief work!

True story. I got asked THREE times if we were headed out on mission. Yeah, I’m on a mission alright. A mission to find a beach and a boat drink!

Alas, no altruism here! Ya know what is here, though? Retouching. Seriously, I just brushed right over my wrinkles in this picture above because, yeah, the technology of iPhoto.

The Dominican Republic is beautiful!

We went to an amazing swimming hole on the island called the Hoya Azul. Well, some of us went. Some of us weren’t invited (ahem – Gracie) and some of us wanted to stay behind at the resort and go to the foam dance party. Woo Hoo! Foam dance party!

I didn’t get any great pictures but you can see the color of the water at the Blue Hole in the background here. Just stunning really.

Billy took surfing lessons – something he has always wanted to do.

It was on his bucket list and he nailed it.

Ya know what wasn’t on our bucket list? Riding in an ambulance to the hospital because Hank decided it would be fun to develop a tree nut allergy while we were over there.

Y’all, this kid…

Billy and I were out on the beach canoodling when Hank texts us and tells us that his throat feels scratchy – like the last time it did when he ate almonds. Uh…what? What last time? Child, when I ask you how your day was feel free to answer ‘I ate almonds and it made my throat feel scratchy.’ Like, that’s kinda something I need to know. Thirty minutes later he was throwing up, swollen, and having trouble breathing. Oh well, nothing two Epi Pens and a fun little romp to the ER in Punta Cana can’t fix.

So, we can mark ‘ride in an ambulance in the Dominican Republic’ off of our bucket list. Although, if that was on our bucket list I’m pretty sure we were using the wrong list.

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