

Getting home from Orlando after Spring Break turned out to be a pretty long drawn out affair. We took the Magical Express – which lets just admit, is WAY less ‘magical’ when you’re on your way home. Our flight was delayed until, oh forever, and it took a bajillion years to actually make it back to Huntsville. Don’t you just love it when people complain about their vacations? Yeah. me neither. Flight delays are no bueno when you have five kids and a grumpy spouse – I’ll let you decide whether it was me or Billy that was grumpy. P.S. Y’all don’t tell anyone but it was totally Billy.

Another fun and exciting thing that happened on the way home involved the actual aircraft in flight. When it was past time to land I realized we weren’t landing but were circling the airport. Now I’ve been flying forever so I’m no stranger to the ‘circling round ye olde airport’ rodeo. After about what felt like the fifteenth circle the pilot came on and said ‘well folks, I’m sure you’ve noticed we’ve been circling – just working out an issue we are having with a flap before we can land.‘ Cue the nervous laughter and looks. Uh, a problem with the flap? You mean the thing that keeps us in the air? The thing that lets us land without crashing?

The boys all had headphones in and were completely oblivious to any trouble on the plane. Once the flap issue got worked out and we finally landed the ENTIRE PLANE burst into applause. The boys began asking ‘why are people clapping?‘ Cue the ‘Sheesh Mom, why didn’t you tell us’ comments and the excessive Southwest jokes by the boys for the next few days.

Egads, what a blast we had in Disney World. Mainly because we brought sitters along. It was so so SO nice to be able to send Gracie home in the late afternoon and spend the rest of the evening without her. 

Our sitters. No, you can’t have their numbers. They’re mine I tell you – mine, mine, mine!

For real though, Gracie is way more trouble than this picture lets on.

One night we sent both Gracie AND Stella home and set the boys loose so we could have date night. We ate at Le Cellier which was just as amazing as everyone says it is and walked around Epcot. See all these empty seats? We watched the America movie at the very last showing.

Along with one other person we were the ONLY people in that gigantic theatre. It was even more fun that way. I LOVE date night in Disney World. We love the kids but man is it nice to be alone for a few hours.

Oh look, it’s those kids…

This is on Tom Sawyer Island. Yet another place Gracie wasn’t invited to. Oh don’t feel sorry for her. Look at that grin – she knows you are over there feeling sorry for her.

Welp, the good news is no one died on that plane with it’s flap issues.

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