Friday night we went to Priceville to see WCA, the kid’s school, play the…the…the dang it, I can’t remember what Priceville’s mascot is called. The…The bulldogs! Yeah, that’s it. So, we went to Priceville to see the Wildcats play the Bulldogs.

For $5 to get in the door everyone certainly got their money’s worth. Good gravy, is there anything better than high school basketball? So. Much. Fun. There’s drama and intrigue and sweating and swearing – and that’s just what’s going on in the stands.

It was a tight game throughout. The ending was especially exciting. There was nail biting, hands being thrown in the air, tempers, and lots of friendly tension.

Unfortunately now I’m experiencing PYARS. You’re familiar with PYARS, right? Post Yelling At Ref Syndrome

Sheesh, can you think of  a more stressful job than referring? Billy and I got to laughing during the game – imagining what it would be like if other jobs were like the referee’s job. Like, what if every time you made a decision at your job people stood up and yelled “BOO! You suck! Get some glasses!” How would that fly in the corporate world? Getting heckled at work would probably be pretty awkward.


“Here are those reports you wanted.”

You used comic sans? BOOO!!!!!!!!! You’re terrible! My toddler makes better decisions!!!!”

I walked out of the game tonight and thought ‘yikes, I was possibly a little out of control with the yelling.’ I’m blaming it on Emily. She was egging me on!

She looks innocent but don’t let her fool you. She was yelling too.

Ya know…let’s not call it yelling. Let’s call it…er…uh…aggressively encouraging. Yeah! We were being aggressively encouraging towards the refs. Those ‘boos’ were really just us saying…Uh…

Nope. I can’t sell that. Aggressively encouraging my Aunt Fanny. We were booing.

PYARS – it’s a real thing. Consider this blog post your PSA about it. Don’t let it happen to you.

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