One of the things that’s been most successful in our family in the last year is a rule I instigated called the HOD. The HOD has been so successful that I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite rule in the house. Although No Tuck Wednesday is a close second. The only person who has to abide by the HOD in our family is James – the twelve year old. Hank and Stella aren’t susceptible to the rule…yet.
What is the HOD you say? I’m so glad you asked because otherwise it would have been awkward. The HOD stands for ‘Hug Of the Day.’ Okay, so technically HOTD would be more accurate but it sounded like too much of a mouthful so I just shorten it to HOD.
Stella is five and is prone to hugs. Physical touch isn’t hard to get from her. Hank continues to be a big ball of cuddles when we are home alone- no hug policy needed – I have a feeling that even when he’s James’ age he’ll still be that way. It’s just the way he’s made.
James on the other hand is definitely not in a ‘needs hugs’ stage. But do you know who does need hugs? His Mama! So last year I told him that I needed one hug a day from him. So now, I will just randomly say ‘HOD’ when he’s walking by and get a hug. He’s fine with it because it’s just one hug.
Good gravy, would someone please teach me how to photoshop lipstick on?!
The HOD is the best. I mean, it’s the best when it stands for ‘Hug Of the Day’ it’s probably not the best when it means the trough you carry bricks with which is what comes up when you google it. A trough you carry bricks with it doesn’t sound huggable at all. It sounds hot and sweaty.
The HOD is good though even when James is hot and sweaty! Yeah for hugs! Even if they do only come via a rule.
Rock on people! What weird rules do you have that work for you?