Your Dang Towel…


Woo Hoo! Spring Break! Eight weeks until school is out! Happy Dance!

Tuesday we headed down to Destin. We made the customary stop over at Dean’s Cake House in Andalusia. Such a good decision. Her cakes are AMAZING. And there’s nothing that says ‘let’s put on a swimsuit‘ like gorging yourself on cake. Am I right?

Dean’s Cake House serves seven layer cakes. Seven glorious layers. Here we see Jamie just abandoning the fork and eating the thing with his hands.

And y’all can thank me for the lovely, um, gas station backdrop here. What can I say? I’m a really classy blogger.

Oh, James. He was a total rockstar on this trip. He did this pretty much the entire time:

Played with Stella and was just generally really helpful.

I try to remember these images when I see he’s left his wet towel on the floor. Again. For real, y’all, I don’t think that child has ever picked his towel up without being asked. Not one stinking time.

I mean…what’s so hard about picking your towel up? Hey parents, has anyone conquered the towel on the floor situation?

Every afternoon:

Him: “Can I play the X-Box now? My chores are done.”

Me: “Go pick your towel up off the bathroom floor.”

Him: “Ok…he runs off and does it…Okay. How about now?”

Me: I guess…

The towel and his dang math grade. Those are the two things he’s troubling me with these days.


Troubling to Billy these days is the length of this Henry’s hair.

I, on the other hand, think he looks adorable and refuse to take him to get it cut. Although, if I tell him I think it’s adorable he’ll probably insist on getting it cut. 

Also…The super exciting news that came out of this trip is that James has discovered sweat pants. “Mom, how could you have been hiding these from me my whole life?”

Uh, I wasn’t.

“Mom, why don’t they just make all clothes out of this material?”

Preach it, kid. Preach it.

And pick up your dang towel.

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