Whew! Y’all this weather is making everyone just a little crazy. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are but here in North Alabama we’ve had just about as much of winter as we can handle. We’re good for about one nice snow a season and then we’re all collectively done with the cold. We’ve had our snow and our ice and now we are all thinking really positive thoughts about the sun and the summer and anything that doesn’t involve coats and gloves.
Heck, even our worship leader felt it. I know this because yesterday he made us sing a new song AND clap so…there ya go. He was feeling squirelly.
We’re about to start the books of Acts at church. When I opened my Bible Sunday I found this written in it:
Yeah, those are the kind of super spiritual observations that go into my Bible. ‘Um…Gross!’ I’d love to say this is some JV Bible from high school but, nope, I bought it a few years ago. In my defense, Acts 1:18 is totally gross so maybe I should cut myself some slack. Or, maybe I should keep working on my sanctification. I’m pretty sure everyone else out there is writing more spiritual things in their Bibles.
During communion my mind wandered to back to Saturday night. Billy and I walked down to have sushi while Jamie watched the littles – Stella was already asleep (or so we thought) so it should have been an easy job. Half way through the sashimi we got a phone call from Stella. She was awake and sad. James handled it beautifully and I was thinking about how responsible he’s becoming. So, I pulled out my phone and texted him how proud of him I was.
Here’s how he responded:
So, clearly I’m not the only one who needs a little more sanctification.
Oh, well. I guess we’re both still cooking in the spiritual maturity department.