I love the ZOO. I also love to spell the word ZOO with all caps. I think it comes from being obsessed with the The ZOO Gallery in junior high. For those of you that don’t know the ZOO Gallery is a shop in Destin, Florida that has been there forever. Well, I don’t know about forever but as long as I can remember.
Lest you think that I liked the ZOO Gallery because it featured unique and artsy items let me just stop you right there. The reason I liked it was because all the cool kids would come back from vacation wearing ZOO Gallery t-shirts. Yep, the cool kids.
I did eventually get my t-shirt. I wore that sucker out! I remember packing it for a youth group retreat thinking ‘this is going to look so cool.’
I’m sure the Lord was super impressed with me. Round about the eleventh grade I stopped wearing it. That’s because I wore it to paint a cabin green at a summer camp in Maine and it was never quite the same afterwards. The reason for why I had to paint that cabin is a whole other story that’s best left for later. The shirt is in a box in my attic now.
Me in the 8th grade.
“My high waisted white denim shorts are great but it would really look awesome if I had a ZOO Gallery t-shirt.”
So…the Zoo.
I chaperoned the third grade field trip to the Nashville Zoo a few weeks ago. What? I’m totally responsible and capable of chaperoning a field trip. Responsible is my middle name!
The kids got to ride a bus WITH A BATHROOM ON IT on the way there and it was pretty much the highlight of their lives.
Good grief, my kid has a big head. That noggin is massive. Whew! Finally. I’ve been wanting to use the word noggin in a post for a long time.
The giraffes were a big hit. Fighting over these binoculars was also a big hit.
Ya know how giraffes are so stately and graceful…
Um, not so much. This guy stayed in this position pretty much the whole time we were at the Zoo.
Here’s my friend Julie.
She’s awesome.
And how about this guy! If you can look at this picture and not start yelling ‘Alan, Alan, Alan…Steve!’ you’re a stronger person than I am. And if you have no clue what I’m talking about, good gracious, immediately click on this link.
Wait a minute. You didn’t click on it did you? Y’all, I’m telling you it’s comedy gold.
Also comedy gold:
The swooping lorikeets of death. Or to be more accurate the comedy gold part was watching people run from the swooping lorikeets of death.
Sure kids. Go on and the a load off. Laughing at these ridiculous animals is pretty tiring.
Now y’all know that bathroom humor is strictly forbidden in our house. Having said that I will tell you that we saw some absolutely amazing creatures at the Zoo. Kangaroos and elephants and crazy sea creatures but the real highlight of the kid’s trip was when the cow in the farm section went to the bathroom. Well, okay. He didn’t actually go into a bathroom but I refuse to write the word that he did.
Oh good grief. He pooped! Okay! There I wrote it. Are you happy now?
I’m telling you those boys’ faces lit up like Christmas Trees. So there ya go. Welcome to the world of most boys. And Zoos. Just make sure you spell it with an OO instead of an oo.