Hey Jealousy


If you had a time machine and traveled back to the year 1996 to have a little visit with this girl on the right…

…and told her that at thirty seven years old she would still struggle with jealousy, she would be shocked.

I mean…jealousy! That thing that toddlers and drama queens and every sort of immature angst ridden teenager struggles with. How is this, in 2014, still a thing in my life?

On a side note if you traveled back to 1996 you should also congratulate Rachel and Paula on their incredibly attractive choice of dates that night. For real, hubba hubba. 


Don’t you even think about checking the Bible to see what it has to say about it. Oh, my, y’all, for real! Get that business under control Paula!

Ya know what does it to me? Other people’s blogging success. Isn’t that just the worst? Like, how can I be jealous of that? Why am I such a jerk?!

My friend Katie recently started a blog…and she is such a good writer. And every time I read her blog I struggle with being envious of how good she is. This woeful little voice inside my head says ‘She’s going to be discovered one day soon. Everyone will know her blog – they’ll share them and love them and she’ll know how to make her blog look good.’

And, y’all that’s a good thing. That actually does need to happen. Her blogs are blessings. People NEED to read her blogs. My blogs are from crazy town. You should probably not enable me by reading mine.

So, what do you do when the jealousy hits?

Well, first you sing that Gin Blossoms song from high school because that business is still good. Thing the second you do is just flat out pray about it. My prayer typically looks like this:

“Lord, I’m being so stupid. Please save me from me. Rescue me so that I may love people the way you want me to.’

Sigh. I feel better already.

Ya know, what would look good here? A picture of me and Katie. Darn it, I don’t have one! Well then, you’ll have to muddle through with a link to her blog instead. 

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