Remember how I told you my feet were being total drama queens in Key West? Weellll, it didn’t get any better after Key West when Stella and I went to Disney World with my cousin Margaret and her daughter Princess Giggle Pants.
Look at that expression on Stella’s face. Clearly she’s saying ‘Oh, great. Mom’s talking about her feet on the blog.’
Here’s what I mean by ‘my feet were being wonky.’
This, my friends, is called ‘Golfer’s vasculitis.’
Pretty gross, huh. They stayed like that the entire time we were in Disney. As Mike Wazowski would say ‘scary feet, scary feet!’
Oooh! Ya know what else is scary? The pool at the Boardwalk.
Yep, that’s a gigantic clown you slide through.Talk about wonky!
Sure they look happy. That’s because they don’t know that clown danger lurks behind them.
So what was worse? The pool or my vasculitis?
You be the judge.