The Weather…


Do I see some tired eyes out there? If you live in the southeast you were probably up late last night watching the weather. We were under a tornado watch from two in the afternoon until midnight. We had several warnings over the course of the night. Scary but just part of living in our neck of the woods. If you live in Huntsville tornadoes are a part of life. Schools released early so we had plenty of time to get home and hunker down. It may seem crazy to release schools over a threat of something happening but after April 27, 2011 when 243 people died on one day in Alabama due to tornadoes they just don’t mess around about calling school.

Billy and I have gotten so obsessed with Crossfit that even though there was a tornado sirens going off at the time of class we found ourselves thinking ‘so, does this mean class is cancelled?

Y’all can send psychiatric help our way.

When Billy got home we sat on the porch and watched the clouds. Several times we saw the clouds moving in different directions – starting rotations. Luckily, the worst of it missed us, although there was a lot of property damage in the county.

Stella was less than concerned.  In fact, she was just frustrated that even though it wasn’t raining I still wasn’t letting her go play in the big field.

Speaking of being afraid Princess Creepypants told me several times yesterday that ‘someone invisible is knocking on the door.’

Er…Let’s just invisible people outside, shall we?

Let’s leave tornadoes out there, too.

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