My Dad won’t ride the teacups. And I say this with the same ferocity that I would say ‘my Dad doesn’t like to be tickled.’ Seriously, do not attempt to tickle the man. He swatted me one time growing up and that was when I ignored my Mom’s advice not to tickle him.
The not wanting to be tickled thing is kind of odd. Please ignore anything my husband is saying right now. I cannot abide anything touching me near my underarms. I know its weird.
The teacups though? That fear is totally legit.
When the minions and I saw that the line to the teacups was really short at the Magic Kingdom we all kind of looked at each other like ‘Well……‘ Henry said ‘why don’t we just ride it and not spin it?’ So, we loaded up.
And it started off fine. Seconds later the kids all grabbed the wheel and said ‘let’s spin it as fast as we can!’
Because, of course they did.
So we spun.
And spun.
And spun.
And spun. And we got to that place where you’re starting to feel really sick and you think: ‘maybe if I just close my eyes I’ll feel better!’
And then we spent the next thirty minutes whining ‘WHY? Why did we do that to ourselves?’
You feel sick just thinking about it don’t you?
Yeah, me too.
Here’s a picture of Darth Vader eating a Mickey Mouse ice cream while riding the rockets.
Well, I certainly feel better now, don’t you?