Lava Lava Nope Club


My goodness, y’all. We had been told by several reputable sources…

My teenage nieces specifically…

that the Lava Lava Beach Club was a must do on the island. We had tried twice already on our trip and been told that there would be an over two hour wait. While two hour waits are no big deal for some people they are a really big deal to others.

Pictured: people that are really bad at waiting two hours.

But it was the last night of the trip and we were determined to get in so we we just decided we would wait it out.

The restaurant was amazing. The atmosphere, the location – it was all just great. Here’s what wasn’t great.

See, Hawaii did a number on this kid. Mainly the time change and the jet lag. And possibly the amount of ice cream we let her eat. But, like I said, it was the last night of the trip and I really wanted to enjoy it.

So just to make sure that my expectations were super out of proportion I decided that tonight was the night we were going to take the PERFECT FAMILY PICTURE.

Here’s how that actually went down:


Nope again. 

Oh look. The perfect family picture. Well, perfect except for the incredibly crazy stressed look on most everyone’s face. Poor Gracie’s smile! Yeah, totally perfect.

Oooh! Ya know what was perfect? The helicopter ride that me and Hank took with our friends the Troyaneks.

Other things that made her behavior worth it:

the sunsets…

the waterfalls…

the time with friends…

Mothe of Pearl. What was my hair doing in this picture?

Y’all, Hawaii is not kidding around. SO crazy beautiful.

Also, not kidding around – this salted caramel cake in a Mason Jar. Lava Lava Beach Club you did not disappoint!

And poor Gracie’s behavior…well, here’s the good news…it’s probably all going to be fine.

See the girl in the middle? That’s our sitter Avery. She and her sister are now model citizens. Seriously, they’re borderline perfect. But, true story, when Avery was a wee bairn she was TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. I’m now convinced that Avery’s poor Momma had to put up with her antics just so I could have hope that one day Gracie’s antics would turn out well too.

I would just lava lava that. Sorry y’all, that wordplay was just laying there and I had to pick it up and use it.

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