Would you like some foam with that...

The day after New Year’s Eve it rained like crazy all in North Alabama. We were at my parent’s lake house so we decided to mosey over to my Grandparent’s place in the country to see if the trickle that normally comes down from the Craven Hole had turned into a waterfall.
It had.
The stream that flows away from the little pond was covered in this icky foam.
It’s a really clean area, no scary Simpsonsesque factories anywhere around, I promise. So what causes it?
It was spoiling my view. But…it was kinda fun to poke with a stick. Which, really, shouldn’t that be the measure of fun? Can you or can you not poke a stick at it.
I googled ‘what makes a stream foamy’ to see if Yahoo Answers might be in the mood to help a girl out. They were. I didn’t actually read the answer though because once I saw the words molecules and surface tension my brain began to glaze over. Here’s the answer in case you’ve ever wondered. 
Speaking of things spoiling my view if I ever see a piece of glitter confetti again it will be too soon. We kept all the nieces and nephews for New Year’s Eve (sans one) and decided to let the kids throw glitter when the ball dropped.
I kid you not, that stinkin’ glitter ended up in every room of the house. Sure, it looked pretty being thrown in the air…
And the kids enjoyed making ‘glitter confetti angels’…
But, trying to vacuum all that business up was on my last nerve.
It was probably on their Momma’s last nerve too when thy got home and tried to wash it or comb it out.
It’s all fun and games ’til someone looks like a extra from a Ke$ha video.
So, foamy streams and glitter: I’m over you both.


  1. Note to self NEVER buy the glitter confetti! WAR IRISH!!

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