I've been running in the mornings for the past couple weeks. It makes me super appreciative of the people that get up early and do laundry. See, I run through a neighborhood and every few houses I pass smell like lovely piles of clean laundry. The vents shoot out this lovely smell and it energizes me.
The neighborhood I run in has trees beside the sidewalks and I've quickly learned to duck when I run under them. Otherwise, I'm like...oh, what's that guy's name...Absalom. I'm like stinking Absalom out there if I don't watch it. Absalom - he was the dude in the Bible who rode his horse under a tree and got his hair caught in the branches. The next part of the story involves spears or some such. Either way, the first morning I ran I got my hair stuck in branches twice. The second day the trees stole my toboggan three times. Three times!
Well, the good news is I'm running farther every day. Those flipping trees just better watch out. Oooh! Ya know what else better watch out? These asinine ads that pop up on free Apps! You can get the app, in our case the game, for free and see ads or you can pay the $2 and see no ads - now usually I get the free app because seeing the ads isn't a big deal...But, nothing will teach you to pay the $1.99 quicker than your seven year old seeing these ridiculous ads:
"Hey, Sexy Girl, Why don't you stay away from my minions."
Nothing prepares you for the horrifying sight of this, though:
Catify. See? Almost just as scary as the Match.com ads...
And definitely scarier than those trees that try to grab me.
Way to go Paula! Running girl! Wow, and early in the morning. You are a hero!