No Sock November

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we went to the Craven Hole just off County Road 222 in Crane Hill, Alabama. There are multiple explanations as to why it’s named The Craven Hole. The first is that it’s such a pretty spot that people get a ‘cravin’ for it. The second is that it’s named for the Cravens, some locals. So, just choose whichever floats your boat.
We wandered up to the top and walked across the falls. Well, to be more accurate we should really say ‘we walked across the trickle.’ Henry, the seven year old, wanted to take his shoes off and wade through.
Tra la la…wading in the creek…tra la la’
Oh, to be a boy and have a creek.
It’s November. It’s flipping freezing. What was I thinking?”
Socks would have been nice at this point. Ya know how everyone is doing No Shave November? Weeelll, we’re kinda doin’ No Sock November.
I’d like to say it’s because the winter has been so mild but it’s really because I’m not so good with keeping up with ye olde laundry.
Even the littlest minion isn’t wearing socks these days. Just ask my Mom. Last night she had a minor freak out because Stella wasn’t wearing socks and it was forty degrees.
Have whatever is in this box. And a great big heaping of guilt.”
Yeah, I need to step my Mom game up. So…no sock November is over! Socks for all! Socks forever!
Dang it. It’s December. Of course No Sock November is over. So, really no big win here.

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