Another Day Another Outhouse...

There's a little old log cabin deep in Winston County that my Dad used to reside in. We went there over the Thanksgiving holiday.

The kids drew water from the well like they always do. 

It's a group effort and takes multiple hands. 

So, kids...

Who wants to take the first sip of that delicious well water?

Is it you, child?


I can't imagine what about that water doesn't appeal to you...

Clearly that water is

Okay, so maybe you wouldn't want to drink the water. Which is kind of a bummer because that log cabin was going to be one of my 'go to' places in case of apocalypse. Actually, the more I think about it the more I think it would be a really bad idea. My Grandmom once told me that they left that cabin and moved to the city because they 'liked to starve to death' there. The cotton crop failed etc. I'm pretty sure if my grandparents couldn't make it there I couldn't either. 

Blast. It's quite unfortunate because my Dad recently put in outdoor plumbing. Yes, you read that correctly, outdoor plumbing. 

Look at the fancy writing my Dad put on the toilet paper holder!

And, of course, no outhouse is complete without the moon cut out. 

Man, he kinda cheaped out on the Lime box. I don't know much about Science but I'm pretty sure Mrs Van Bebber would say that Lime and Laundry Detergent shouldn't mix. 

Kinda like me and living off the land shouldn't mix...

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