Too Close Kid!

It's Fall Break and the kids are out of school for the entire week. Nine glorious days of no early mornings rushing off to school. Nine glorious days of no afternoon homework. The majority of schools in Alabama didn't have a Fall Break this year so it kinda feels like playing hooky.

We've been doing a lot of this:

And a lot of this:

Day Trips!

Tuesday I loaded the minions up and drove to the Clarkson Covered Bridge in Cullman County with my parents.

The bridge is 270 feet long. My kids were determined to count out each and every step, really, really loudly.

Stella just wanted to crawl up in her Granddad's arms and look over into the river. 

Too close, kid. Way too close.

"I can't believe he is letting me lean so close!"

Rose petals were all over the bridge. I suppose there had been a wedding or some such.

Of course, the bridge reminded me of the Clint Eastwood/Meryl Streep movie The Bridges of Madison County. 

Ya know, I saw that movie in high school and was all affected (effected?) by it; crying and emotional and the like.

Which is really kind of ridiculous because the whole movie is based on some pretty sketchy grounds.  'Yeah adultery' and all that.

The park had several waterfalls as well as an old broken water wheel. 

Here you can see the old...What are these things called? Sluices? Here you can see the sluices that lead to the water wheel.

It was a peaceful place, just right for a picnic on a nice Fall Day.

Oh, who am I kidding. There is no way I'd picnic at the bridge because this is just down the street:

The Brandin' Iron. Seriously, the ribeye and sweet potato tots. Just trust me. So, so good.

Not as good as this:

But, really. What is?

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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