Yesterday I chatted it up about our day trip to Natural Bridge, Alabama in Winston County - population 28. Let's revisit it again today!
Awww...They've been expecting us!
If you've never been to Winston County here is what you need to know: They are very, VERY, very proud of the the fact that they opposed secession and in fact seceded from the state of Alabama. You can't throw a rock in Winston County without hitting a sign that lets you know all about it.
It's kinda braggy britches of them.
So, Natural Bridge: Amazing rock bridge and walking trails. It also had really cool flora and fauna.
Screech! Hold up. Is there really a difference between flora and fauna? Am I being redundant by saying flora and fauna - like, 'oooh, I know two fancy words and I'm going to use them both!'
I loved these long skinny mushrooms.
They were very stately - kinda like the words flora and fauna.
There was a stream that ran along the backside loop of the trail.
My minions love a good stream.
They provided us with a walking stick for the trail when we left.
It was mostly used to wallop siblings with.
There was a wishing well with lots of pennies.
As well as, I believe they called it an 'artesian water fountain.'
This is a trip I absolutely want to do again.
Ignore that child's big old tongue sticking out. He's monkeyish like that. I tried four times to take a picture of us all looking at the camera smiling and this is as close as I got to perfect.
Natural Bridge itself is a whole lot closer to perfect. So...hit the road!
Flora - plants, fauna- animals
Good to know!