The Buddy Walk!

It's almost October and that means it's BUDS' Buddy Walk time! Say what? You've never heard of the Buddy Walk?! BUDS, or Bringing Up Down Syndrome, is an organization that promotes acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome. The Buddy Walk is an annual event in the fall. The event is free but donations are accepted. It's a fantastic event for all kinds of families. This year it's Saturday, October 6th from 10-2.

We went to the Buddy Walk for the first time three years ago and it was a blast! Clowns, face painting, games and prizes! Oh, my!

It's just an exciting way to spend the day. 

Perhaps more exciting for some that others...

Sure the clowns and games are fun:

And what kid doesn't love face painting:

And balloon swords

And ring pops as prizes:

But what I really love about the Buddy Walk is the ticket auction! You can buy one ticket for a $1 or twenty tickets for $25. Each item has it's own box and you just put your tickets in which ever box you want to try for. 

One of the great items comes from Billy. It's a chance for a fire truck birthday party! Billy will bring a firetruck to your kids party and let them try on turn out gear and crawl around on the truck and, depending on where the party is, turn the siren on. 

Come on! What kid, or grown up for that matter, wouldn't love a fire truck at their party! 

And then, since it's called the Buddy Walk, we walk! 

Or ride!

Everyone walks together.

Or strolls together:

I said that everyone walks together and that's really what the BUDS walk is all about. Togetherness. Families helping other families, DS kids playing with non DS kids, everyone just supporting each other. Solidarity! 

You may be thinking: 

"But my kids don't have DS. Heck, I don't even know anyone with DS." 

I asked my cousin Kathryn what she would say to that line of thinking. 

"There are several reasons you should take kids without Down Syndrome to the Buddy Walk. First, because kids will have a blast no matter how many chromosomes they have. They'll enjoy it! And I want just that for my kids - to enjoy ALL kids and to find the joy that is present in each one. The more they can be around a child with DS, the more likely they are to understand and accept others that might not be just like themselves.

I couldn't have said it better myself!

But let me warn you, it's a serious time of cuteness.

Because, holy moly, these kids are cute!

Last year over 500 people came to the event and this year they are hoping for more.

Here are the official stats on it:

BUDS Annual Buddy Walk
October 6, 2012
10 - 2
Jaycee's Building
2151 Airport Road

So, go ahead and mark your calendars!
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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