Great Ghee Hoshaphat

Oh, ya know, just hanging out at 10:30 at night making some ghee. 

Ghee...clarified butter....Apparently it's the same thing. Anyway, it's about to be what I sauté vegetables with. 

Tomorrow, me and Billy and a whole mess of other people start the Whole 30 challenge. 

I blame these cats at our church, the Atkins. I'd put a picture of them on the blog but I'm not sure I could find one without a Bama symbol in it somewhere. Yeah, they're total Bammers. But their super healthy and inspiring and smart (except for the Bammer part) and we are excited about trying their crazy way of eating out. 

Here's the premise: No dairy, no sugar, no grains for 30 days. So, it's kind of a paleo diet but even more strict. 


I mean....


The longest I've ever been able to stick to a diet has been roughly twelve days. Then I start cheating and fibbing and next thing you know I'm hiding in a closet with a Snicker's bar. 

True Story. 

And here's the deal, in the past I've kind of just thought God makes people two ways: disciplined and undisciplined and I was the latter. But I think theology would line up more with God refines people into becoming more disciplined. It could happen. I mean, I'm sure it happens. 

Not to go all Hebrews 12:11 on you but...Okay, I will go all Hebrews 12:11 on you: 

"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."

So, see! I can learn! I mean, honestly, there are tons of Bible verses on self-discipline. I know because I've gotten preachy with them to my middle child. 

"Here's how I feel about Proverbs 25:28*"

And yes, I can here Yoda saying 'do or do not, there is no try.' But I've basically been on a diet off and on since I was sixteen so I think I've earned the shameful right to say "I'll try" instead of "I can do it!"

Hey! If I actually complete thirty days of this business I'm totally buying this t-shirt:

Nom Nom Paleo is a great website with lots of good paleo recipes. 

And, come on!

How awesome are they! Just between you and me I think that girl kinda looks like me. three days when I'm suffering from sugar withdrawals you can come back and read some angry blogs by me. I'm not planning to go all People I Want to Punch in the Throat but after three days with no Dr Pepper and chocolate it may come to that. 

*Proverbs 25:28: A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Good idea!! We should totally get that shirt WHEN we finish!!!

  2. I am totally visualizing Stella or Billy finding you in the closest eating the snickers. Stella is stomping her feet demanding you share and Billy is curling up in a ball and crying like a girl, screaming nooooooooo!!! I lol. I am totally with you. I started yesterday, and I'm already cranky. It has been almost 36 hours with no diet coke or sweet tea. This is getting serious over here. I am thankful for garlic salt though. Never thought I would say that. I'm jumping on the band wagon of owning one of those shirts. Right now, I want the frowny face one, but hopefully that will change.

    1. There's also one where she is lifting weights with a think bubble with bacon. It's cute too.

  3. I will expect regular updates on this diet and will be looking to see you and Claunch "looking svelt" at the upcoming family wedding. Then you can convince my Mrs. to put us on it!

  4. Paula, I will be praying for you at you enter this time of discipline. I did Paleo for 40 days as a spiritual fast. I think when I look at a "diet" as a time of fasting it not only applies to my body, but also to my heart. Give this time to God as a fast, He will help you keep it.

  5. You totally look like the girl on the t-shirt. I wont comment on which of the two pictures you resemble more...

  6. definitely look like that girl. this diet sounds, to be nice, idiotic. come on. who wants to live in a world with out good food and drink. uhhhh, in moderation?

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