World Gone Mad

My littlest minion Stella, age three, has straight hair. Super straight. Straight as a board, straight as a poker, straight as whatever else is straight. It's just the way it's always been.

Oooh! While I'm thinking about it, The King of the Hill episode 'The Order of the Straight Arrow' is really funny. You should probably stop reading this blog and go Netflix it. 

A couple nights ago I was forced to send out this tweet due to a conversation I had with another Mom:

"Last night I got asked how long it takes to straighten my daughter's hair. She is two. The world has gone mad when people think I'd do that. 

Seriously, kids...What kind of nut job world are we living in when people think I take the time to straighten a two year old's hair.

Burning metal plus clumsy mother plus toddler prone to toddler antics = ER visit plus a follow up phone call from DHR.

And don't even mention that abomination of a show Toddlers and Tiaras to me. 

My cousin Margaret saw the tweet and replied like this:

"I get asked if I curl Lydia's hair! Really, people. They're two. And not Barbie dolls."


Her cousin Lydia has super curly hair. Like, Susie in Ramona the Brave, curly.

Check out those boing boing curls. They are completely different than the cornsilk we are working over here.

"Maybe if Mommy curled my hair I wouldn't feel the need to lick the window at the zoo."

"Why, oh why, can't I have curls like Lydia."

"It's not all fun and games here, cuz."

Stella probably gets this hair from my Mom:

She's been complaining about the straightness for years.

"The curls are pretty fun."

So true, Lydia. So true.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. This world has been weird for a long time. That dogs name was Boopsie and somebody got mad and poured scalding water on him. 60 years ago!!!

  2. It could be worse, my oldest has half curly half straight hair!!! Both Stella and her cousin are too cute!!!

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