Don't Mention the Caviar...

Eeek! Did anyone else know that beluga whales were so fantastic?

I totally fell for them when I saw them at the Georgia Aquarium in July. 

They did this crazy thing as they swam where they guess the word would be 'jump' on to the rocks in their enclosure. The host said it was because they slough off their skin ever so often. Neat, huh. 

I really need to learn to use my camera.

We stood and watched them for ages. 

They were just cool. 

Which makes sense because this is where they live.

The red zones. The cool zones.

These things do not live in the red zones.

I'll tell you what's not impressive and that's the piranha. 

"Come say that to my face, human."

It's true. They are tiny in comparison to the other creatures at the aquarium!

This grouper was the size of a small car.

This whale shark was the size of an RV. 

But the beluga remained my favorite. Maybe it's because Baby Beluga was the first book I remember reading to my oldest kid.

Come on! How could you say no to this face:

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. You haven't posted about your new adventure in house building! How is it going?

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