Dear Latin America...

Dear Latin America,

What the heck?! Today in Target I saw this on the discount shelf. Now I had never seen ye olde Menudo before so when I got home I googled the recipe for it.

Kids...It ain't pretty. And they can bill it as a 'flavorful Latin American dish' but come on! As Shaun T says, 'that stuff is bananas.'

Any recipe that involves tripe just isn't something I can get excited about.

I can however get excited about the fact that I'm at the beach sans kids right now. In fact, it's six pm and I'm in my pajamas.

What can I say? It's just the kind of hard partying girl I am.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Uncle Louis ate Menudo every chance he got. It was disgusting to me but to each his own!

  2. How are you at the beach? I thought you were moving?

    1. I'm paying for playing now. Boxes covering every inch of the apartment.

  3. What? Another vacation? Didn't you just come back from one last week? Anyway- I am totally jealous!!!

  4. I'm so jealous that you are at the beach. I heart the beach.

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