Days Gone By...

The day before Henry went back to school he gave me a list of everything he had forgotten to do in the summer that he wanted to do. So, we tried to stuff it all in on that last day:

The first item on his list was 'learn to tie shoes'

"So, shoes...We meet again."

Dang it! How could we have forgotten to teach him that!

Item Two:

Make cookies.

Item Three:

Blow the last of the bubbles.

Item Four:

Go to lunch at Sonic and order a bunch of different things.

Corndog, chicken finger, shake, fries with cheese...

"Sorry, Mom. That one was a bad idea."

That's okay, minion. We had a good day and a good summer.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I love that he gave you a list and that you attempted to help him accomplish it! Mommy points!

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