Vintage Auburn From the Attic, Part Two

Because we are at family camp - Woo Hoo - I'm doing a series of super short posts this week. 

Soooo, you can get excited about that. 

Yesterday the blog took a little trip to my parent's attic and today we'll take another. 

And let's just be glad we are taking pretend trips because actual trips are really freaking hot. Also, my mom doesn't like when I use the word 'freaking' - that's all, just thought I'd share.

One of my favorite Auburn things I found in the attic last week was this kid sized belt. 

My plan was to take it...

Mwah ha ha ha!!!!

...and give it to my minions but unfortunately the heat has turned it super crackly. 

How fantastic is this find?! Somebody totally wore this with bell bottoms and wide collars. 

The best find was this though: 

A t-shirt homage to the 1982 Iron Bowl. 

'Bo Has Landed' would probably have made more sense than 'The Eagle Has Landed' but it's still a pretty epic t-shirt.

Now, dear reader, are you sick of seeing Auburn gear? 

Ohhh...I'm so sorry!

Here! You can see this instead! I found it in the attic too:

There! Is that better?

I thought you'd like the Auburn stuff. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. HA! I totally had that NKOTB shirt back in '89!!! I loved Jonathan!!! I remember wearing pins on my jean jacket that were bigger than my head of that band!!!......hang'n tough...please don't go girl......I guess I should quit now!!

  2. Hey- one last comment- I was the one that posted anonymous, not sure how I did that?!

  3. I was a Jordan girl myself!

    Comments are a mess -it's too hard!

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