Scenes From the Weekend

Well, so this is going on at our house:

Day seven of no air conditioning with no end in sight. 

Update! The A/C man has deemed Friday as end of sight day! Woo Hoo!

The first few days with no air we escaped to the pool.  I guess it's the whole 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em thing.  

At the pool I dived in to our book club book for the month: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. While the kids happily swam I was left to ponder the meaning of the word loquacity and curse the author for using it when there was no dictionary in sight. 

Loquacity indeed! That word is ridiculous. And, oh look, just a few lines down there is laconic. Another word I'm not sure about. 

Unfortunately this weekend it rained quite a bit so there wasn't much pool time to be had. There was this kind of time though:

Time to compare a tater tot that's been left out in the rain to a tater tot that hasn't been left out. Gross, huh? They puff up. They puff up a lot!

And turn pasty white - ick. 

Alright, when I'm talking about soggy Sonic tater tots it's time to move on. It's too dang hot to blog anyway. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. You are the 4th person that I know that their a/c has gone out this summer!! Try to stay cool!! Friday is too far away!!!

  2. okay, this is why your blog is THE standard for all other blogs!! Who else would ever dream of blogging about a comparison of soggy vs. non-soggy tater tots! I applaud you Paula Wilson Claunch! That is CLASSIC! Right up there with not suffering a snake to live!

    War Eagle.

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