Faster, Faster!

Tomorrow night, dear reader, the blog will head to the Chattahoochee River to do a little tubing. That is, I'll recount our tubing experience from a couple weeks ago.

It was a crazy good time and I'm excited about sharing it with you. 

I'd love to write about it now but, alas, we have book club tonight and some slackers, like me, haven't finished the book!

As a preview tomorrow night's post will include the following sentences. You can decide for yourself what they might mean:

'Ma'am I do believe the Lord provides a special dispensation in situations such as these.'

'No nudity please, Police will be patrolling the banks of the river to make sure this rule is enforced.'


'Well, that there smoke is either boiled peanuts or meth. We're in rural Georgia so it could really go either way.'

So...get excited about that business.
Until then, leave me alone! I've got a book to read!

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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