Stop, Collaborate and...

On Tuesday nights Billy and I are attending a class on communication in marriage. 

Yeah, you know we're gonna screw that up. 

The book we are studying is called Collaborative Marriage Skills. It's written by...

Dang it, who is it written by?

Let's see here: Miller, Nunnally and Wackman. 

Upon the advent of the iPhone sitting still has become increasingly difficult for me. Thank goodness I didn't have it in college. 

I'm a doodler. I'm antsy. I'm a fidgeter. Oh, I'm such a joy.

The teachers for the class are on staff with Rivertree Church here in Huntsville.

Meet Blake. Not sure why I chose to snap the picture when he was looking away. 
It's my picture taking skills that bring you to this blog, right?

The word collaborate was used a bunch. Every time the teacher mentioned the word collaborate Ice Ice Baby began to play in my head. 

Stop, collaborate and listen!
Ice is back with a brand new edition.

I blame this person:

Ashok Thotakura. He's the one on the right. We sat beside each other at a party one night in the 8th grade and rewound the tape over and over again until we had the lyrics memorized. 

Yes, we were that cool. Feel free to be jealous. 

I promise my mind was totally on task 99% of the time but here is what it was doing the other 1%.

My friend Liz had a sticker stuck on her shoulder.

It was of a cupcake. It made me giggly.

Blake used the word permutation. I didn't know it exactly what it meant so I wrote it down to check later.
I never checked.

I thought the arrows in the book looked like they came out of the Flintstones font:

And of course, no class would be complete without a doodle.

Blake and Sandra in real life.

Blake and Sandra in my doodle.

Nailed it, right?

Seriously, the class was great. 

We are going to learn a ton and are going to come out of it as fabulous communicators. 

I mean...anything would be an improvement. 

"That's the truth."

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. So funny!! We must be close to the same age as my first boyfriend back in 7th grade thought he was Vanilla Ice!! He even had stripes cut out of his hair on the sides and everything!! Oh! the wonderful 90'S!!!

    1. Oh, the stripes! Yes, those were fantastic, huh?!

  2. oh dadgum! how do i have a sticker on me?????? i know just the little munchkins to blame! hehe. ok, next time feel free to COLABORATE and remove any unknown stickers from my clothes!!! hehe. hilarious post!!! i think the doodles are really top-notch, by the way! seriously, those are good. especially sandra!

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