Steak Umms and Bleeding Ears...

My eight year old niece is a talker.

I mean, the girl can lot.

"What can I say? I like to talk!"

When I was eight I liked to talk too. 

My ears actually started hurting this afternoon because of the sheer number of words she had said. I mean my ears weren't bleeding or anything but it was a lot of talking.

Things that actually make your ears bleed: ruptured ear drums and head injuries - hopefully not at the same time.

This girl...she has opinions. 

Stinking cute opinions but opinions none the less.

Things she has talked about today:

Her most embarrassing moment
Her future clothing line
Her favorite book series

Something else we discussed today: 

Theology. The girl knows her stuff. So, apparently she's not just talking she's listening too. 

Her parents are really good about listening to her. Although, her Dad is in big trouble next time I see him. She confessed to me tonight that he had never made her a Steak Umm sandwich. 

It's heresy, it is!

Her Dad makes a mean Steak Umm! And for her never to have had that experience...A crying shame.

Sounds like he needs to do a little less listening to her and a little more making Steak Umms

Could be a slow next couple of days of blogging for me. Cousin's Camp has started which means goodbye to wifi, air conditioning, and my sanity, at least for four more days.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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