Reason #431 to Wear Lipstick to bed.



Have you heard of this business?

FaceTime is a video chat app that lets you talk face to face with someone as long as you both have a wireless signal.

It actually works on the iPod as well as the iPhone.

This week Henry and Billy went to a firetruck show convention thing and then to the beach. James and I held down the fort with Stella. 

Stella and Henry had a blast on FaceTime.

She thought it was hilarious.

She loves her some FaceTime and some Henry. 

It's fun but...

You kinda gotta be ready for it. 

I mean...

At eleven pm when he calls via FaceTime and my hair is all weird and I'm all unmakeupy it's hard to stare at yourself and talk on the phone. 

Well, hello Madam Frumpy. 

So, ya know, wear lipstick to bed and all that. 

Anytime I say the word FaceTime it makes me think of that elementary school saying: FACE! as in 'take that!'

Speaking of kid insults Billy promises that the word 'eyeball' was one. As in:

"Oooh! Did you see me make that shot? Eyeball!"

And then he does this gross thing where he pulls his eye lid down. 

So fess up people, is 'eyeball' a real thing or is he crazy?

Wait! That's another thing about FaceTime. You have to remember that you can't roll your eyes or make inappropriate gestures because the other person will obviously see it. 

And then they could be all like "Oooh! I caught you being mean to me! Eyeball!"

Or something like that...
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Reminds me of those little radio transmitters they used to have in the original Star Trek. Captain Kirk would be in some hostile place and he'd flip his phone and Bones or Scottie would appear on the screen.

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