Visualize Whirled Peas

Tonight we ate at the Mellow Mushroom in Jones Valley for dinner. If you're not familiar with Mellow Mushroom it's a pizza joint. 'Joint' being the operative word. It's's very this way:

Psychedelic would probably be an appropriate description. 

The big decorating thing is that there are happy mushrooms painted everywhere in the restaurant. 

Which is pretty funny considering what I saw as I was walking through the parking lot this afternoon:

It's a mushroom. 

It's a mushroom outside the Mellow Mushroom. 

Oooh! Ya know what else I saw in the parking lot?

My favorite bumper sticker ever!

It's the old:

"What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about"

bumper sticker.

My nephew has a shirt that's similar:

Hokey Pokey Anonymous
A Place To Turn Yourself Around

That shirt cracks me up. 

Apparently so do mushrooms outside of pizza restaurants because I was giggly all night about it. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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