Stick It To The Man...

We went to Panoply this weekend!

If you aren't familiar with Panoply it's a local arts festival in Huntsville. 

I'm a total sucker for Panoply. 

I always have been. 

The sidewalk chalk art:

Not my art of course.

The great picture ops: 

Way to put your fingers in the middle of the picture, Henry.

And I especially love the signs with graffiti at the park.

Okay, so according to the sign there's to be NO SKATEBOARDING OR ROLLERBLADING...

But wait! Clearly there is an X through the 'NO' so actually you are totally fine to skateboard or rollerblade!

Way to stick it to the man, Graffiti Artist. 

And who still rollerblades? What is this, 1990?

One thing I did love about Panoply was a tent called...


Oh, I can't remember...

Something like:

Get Your Rhythm On


Anyone Can Keep a Beat


Jane Random is a Moron and Can't Remember What the Dang Tent Was Called.

Yeah, I think it was that last one.

It was a tent filled with different percussion instruments. Instruments like little eggs you could shake that make noise and tambourines and even drums that you could sit at and play.

This gentlemen was leading the crowd through different rhythms. It was really fun to try to keep up. 

Oooh! I'll tell you what else Panoply has:

Really stinking cute ducklings!

I saw one fall, FALL, off of this ledge and into the water. 

It was pretty awesome. 

Maybe even as awesome as the drum tent!

Probably not as awesome as rollerblading was in the 90's but you get my drift. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. The ducklings look like they're having fun. Looks like a turkey beside them!

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