When we first moved into our neighborhood the dogs next door were fantastic. They were huskies that never barked but looked really scary. My kids loved them.
When they moved out this business moved in:
And it's not just one dog. Oh no, there are three of these little suckers.
They are yappy. They are angry. They are mean and they bark, like, all the time.
The neighborhood pool is directly behind our house. Today while we were there enjoying the water I heard a commotion at the fence. A crowd of children were gathered and they were calling other kids over.
They were looking at this:
A pink dog.
So, yeah...my neighbors dyed one of their dogs pink.
I have no idea how one goes about dying their dog pink or even why one would dye their dog pink but there ya go.
I have no idea how one goes about dying their dog pink or even why one would dye their dog pink but there ya go.
The story gets so much worse.
Suddenly, the crowd of children that were oohing over the color began to make high pitched screams. I looked over and saw that the dogs had captured a squirrel.
And let's just make the statement that these dogs...well, let's just say that they weren't card carrying members of PETA.
As the children looked on, these dogs began to torment this poor squirrel. I'm sure those gruesome images will live on in the kids' minds for ever.
When the commotion stopped I saw the squirrel laying in the grass. I assumed he was dead but about ten minutes later I saw his limp form stir. He began to try to hop (as best he could) through the yard. As soon as the dogs saw him they began to give chase again.
Thankfully the squirrel made it to our yard. Unthankfully, that's where he decided to stay. When he laid down again I assumed he was dead. I had no idea what I was going to do with a dead squirrel in the back yard.
The squirrel then jumped up and made a few more agonizingly slow and cattywampus limps over to the bushes.
Where I'm sure he is enjoying a long and happy squirrel life after being treated at the squirrel ER. At least, that's what I told the kids.
So, the moral of the story is don't dye your dog pink.
It might just end up scarring the neighborhood kids for life.
i don't think it was dye that turned the dog that color.