A Million Degrees

Here's what I know about Washington DC: 

It's hot. 

It doesn't matter when you are there it's stinking hot.

July or December it's all the same.

I've been twice and both times its been about a million degrees.

Hmmm...Twice isn't actually very many times is it.

So, maybe I'm not an expert but my general impression of the place is that it's hot. 

We stopped there in 2008 and had lunch and wandered around on our way to St Michaels, Maryland.

We ate at a restaurant that overlooked the White House. 

It was beautiful.


Great Scott! What was up with that purse I was using? You could have fit several Washingtonians in that baby.

As far as travel misconceptions go, thinking that DC is hot 100% of the time is a pretty big one.

I've got other misconceptions though...

Kinda like my opinion on Australia. 

That's what I think about Australia. Except substitute sharks with poisonous animals. 

It's not my fault. 

I'm blaming it on this:

So obviously lots of people think that Australia has an excessive amount of ways you can hurt.

Yep, Australia is just Ned Kelly, Waltzing Matildas and venomous creatures.

And it's probably always a million degrees there.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Washington? If they outlawed air conditioning there wouldn't be 6 people living in Houston within a week. And you forgot the crocs and deadly jellyfish in OZ.

    1. Are we abbreviating Australia as OZ? Is that a thing? I like it.

      Agreed on Houston. Texas is hotter than Alabama because there are no dang trees!

  2. Yes, if you use OZ to mean Australia it means you are way cool. It is, in fact, a thing.

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