Marshmallow light switches...

My husband's best friend James:

"Man, I can't find a light switch anywhere!"

He's funny. 

We never did find out what those fourteen light switches were for. I mean, really. Fourteen light switches? It's crazy talk.

He and Billy are cute together in a dude friendship kind of way. 

They play off of each other really well.

Last night we were trying to make a big decision and I asked him "Just call James! Have you called James yet?"

His answer: "Twice."

It's a good thing because I always think calling James is going to solve any problem.

Liz and I are very thankful they have each other. 

Even though...

The more they are around each other:

 The stranger they can get get.

"What's she writing about us?"

Oh, nothing.

Go back to roasting marshmellows.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Hehe... what a fun blog!!! I am SO THANKFUL for their friendship. Phew, what a blessing to know that they have each other's back and point each other to God so often. And you do that for me, PWC!!!! You are a rock star!!!!

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