I'll Stick to Earl Grey...

Saturday I saw this innocuous looking flowering plant in the country. 

It has trumpet shaped flowers on it and...

...some not so innocuous looking spiky balls!

I have no idea what the plant is called but when I consulted Google I found out it might be Jimson Weed or Datura Stramonium. 

According to Wikipedia I found out some disturbing things. 

Things such as:

1) It can be brewed into a tea that produces hallucinations.

And if mis-brewed can cause death.


2) It's leaves and roots are highly toxic. 

And we're back to the whole death thing.

Those two things might be true or Wikipedia could be full of the business.

Who knows!

And yes, I did mean to put a exclamation point not a question mark. According to ye olde English grammar book if you are making a statement you can use an exclamation point or a period even if you are starting the sentence with an interrogative.

I've seen some crazy pants stuff on Wikipedia.

I still have no clue what that flowering plant was. 

All I know is that I'm at the lake and we've got other stuff to worry about.

Stuff like staying on the hammock as much as possible.

So far we've been pretty dang successful. 

We'll stay away from any tea brewed with trumpet flowers just to be on the safe side.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Spiky balls and hallucinations... being part Irish, I'm an avid tea-drinker but this sounds like a brew best avoided!

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