A Protest in Preparation for the Summer

This evening I took the minions to Target for supper.

Yeah, I'm all organic and healthy like that.

While we were sitting there James, the nine year old, all of the sudden looked at me and said:

"Hey! I have a protest I'd like to talk about before the Summer gets here!"

Read on to see where the conversation went: 

James: "I've got something to say about this summer! And it's really important! But first, hold on! Let me take a bite."

So, actually not so important that $3 pizza doesn't come first.

"Okay. Now let me take a drink!"

"Alright! Last year we weren't allowed to watch TV until 4 o'clock every day! This year that isn't going to work."

Me: Oh, really? Why not.

James: "Well, I deserve to get to turn it on earlier."

Me: Why?

James: "Two reasons: First, I'm practically twelve."

He is nine.

"Second, I can eat grown up size portions."

So can his two year old sister.

"So, because of that reason and cuz, like I said, I'm almost 12..."

Again, he's nine.

"...I should be able to watch more TV this summer."

So, ladies and gentleman of the jury...What say you? Will his argument hold up in court?

Stinking kids.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. In Grandmom's court - YES!!! Go James!

  2. Ah yes - the start of another 14 years or so where you have to convince them that the fact you don't agree with their position doesn't mean you haven't listened to them. My suggestion given that he is almost 12 (9) is to give him a research assignment. He is old enough to use Google under supervision. You can tell him that he should do a research project on the internet. He can look up sources on the benefits and negatives of TV. The impact of excessive TV watching on kids. Tell him that if he can present you with a compelling argument using actual scientific and sociological research you and Billy will take it under advisement. It would be an excellent bonding experience for either you or Billy to walk him through the process of defining search parameters and getting results. Tou might even assign next youngest minion to do a project on the benefits of kids being outside running around instead of being in front of the TV. Work this right and you will find (1) They will enjoy the time with you; (2) they will learn a lot about the subject and (3) They will think twice before trying to convince you to loosen the reins without having thought about it before hand. My oldest minion thought that she was going to spend the summer after her freshman year sleeping late and watching TV. She spent the summer writing 500 word themes on topics of my choosing - or she could get out of the house and go do things.

    1. Ha! That would definitely cut down on the complaining!

  3. I don't have this problem with my children Paula. I trained them not to rebel. My oldest, who's 8 going on 12, knows it's pointless arguing with me - so when he's had his quota of TV, he plays the WII instead. Everyone's a winner!

    1. "8 going on 12" - that's definitely what we have here!

  4. I LOVE this post because I am completely convinced that you and Billy are better parents than me. Then I read that you feed your minions $3 pizza at Target for dinner and suddenly I don't feel so bad about myself.


  5. You could also say that for every book read of (length of your choice), he gets (amount of time of your choice) of TV (with show of your pre-approval). I also like the research and writing of papers idea.

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