Oh No, No Snow...

So the big plan was to ski every day while we were out here.

'Out here' being Utah.

Unfortunately the weather is not in our favor.

The high today? It was sixty four stinking degrees with bright sunshine.

Not the kind of weather that is super conducive to snow skiing.

We are having a bit of a melting problem.

This kid sees no problem with the melting. 

The grownups feel a little differently about it. 

Well, apparently the grown ups aren't that concerned by it because this was going on while that baby was playing in the water.

That's not the face of someone who is concerned about anything. 

Oooh! Oooh!

Here is what he is concerned about:

I wrote this post about how the bottoms of my dirty feet looked like burned pancakes the other day and he wouldn't let me  he advised me not to post it. 

It was funny I tell you! You are really missing out!


I just read the above statement "the bottoms of my dirty feet looked like burned pancakes" and am now thinking maybe he was right. 

It might be an overshare...

Overshare not overcast. 

Believe me, there is no such thing as overcast here. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I might find a restraining order from my husband if I dared post a picture of him sleeping on my blog. I can hardly get permission for normal, fully conscious pictures!

    1. Sharon, Sharon, Sharon: Rule Number One of Blogging: Don't Ask For Permission!

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