Ferris Bueller's Mom...


The minions got their report cards today. 

It was a bit...um...vexing. 

It was vexing in what it revealed about me and my ability to mother.

Let's look at the first quarter shall we?

Zero days absent and only one tardy.

Oh, wow! I'm amazing! Look at me accomplish the feat of getting my 'would sleep 'til 9 if I let them' kids up and on the bus at 6:50 five days a week!

Yeah, I'm a real saint.

Oh, look. 

I really am.

But then, comes the second quarter. 

And kids, let me tell you, there was quite the drop off. 

Second quarter:

Seven days absent and six days tardy. 

And then,

Third quarter:

Four days absent and NINE tardies.



That's just embarrassing. 

I mean...

Not quite as embarrassing as the state of my jeans tonight:

One with the cuff completely cut off and one with the cuff still standing. 

Actually, yeah. It is more embarrassing.

All these absences and tardies...

It's like I'm parenting Ferris Bueller.

Actually, they're nine and six, at this point I think I'm Ferris Bueller.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I need a crane in the morning to get my youngest son out of bed - I have to bribe him with the promise of a bombolloni (custard cream doughnut)at the bakery for breakfast.

    1. Custard Cream Doughnut? Wow. That sounds amazing - even more amazing when you say it in Italian!

  2. Maybe there was a computer error because Wy's said he had 9 tardies and he rides carpool. I asked him if Miss Michelle ever had to walk them in and sign them in and he said no. I can't figure out how he was tardy 9 times. Sounds like a conspiracy... :)

  3. All I am picturing is Henry making the computerized voice so that you won't know when he is absent someday....so count your blessings...atleast you are responsible for these numbers right now!

  4. If it makes you feel any better, there's a new policy this year about tardies. Lauren had a couple on her report card last quarter so I called to ask Kathy what was going on. We carpool and our neighbors didn't have any tardies and Lauren had no idea, of course. Apparently they are counting anytime you bring your child in late b/c of dr.'s appointments or whatever as a tardy. It's excused, but it's still shows up on report cards.

    1. Ahhh! The mystery is solved. That makes so much more sense. I knew that I had only walked them in three times.

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