Draw Something

The WIFI at the hotel in Salt Lake City is way too slow to blog but I thought I'd do a quick post.

See, my Mom has some explaining to do.

Why, you ask?

Well, we've recently started playing Draw Something together.

And this picture is her representation of the word 'moon.'

Am I missing something? Is that a moon?

Speaking of drawing something I've now drawn the conclusion that I'm not allowed to use the words 'hot' and 'Josh Hutcherson' in a sentence together. That's because tonight the minions were watching Zathura and guess who is in it? That's right, Josh Hutcherson.

Ew...I feel creepy.

The same thing happened when I realized Taylor Lautner got his start in Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

I should probably stick with Draw Something instead of watching TV.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Have you seen Hunger Games? You probably have. Well, Josh Hutcherson is my favorite character in that. And luckily, I'm allowed to call him hot. Just speaking the truth.

  2. Ooh, ooh - I play Draw Something. Send me your name so we can play. My drawing is about like your mom's but I write in hints! :)

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